Saint Anne & Little Mary Necklace on Gold Cable Chain

$115.20 $128.00

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Saint Anne is the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Christ. She is shown here with Mary on her lap while she teaches her and passes on the Wisdom and Ways of Knowing that flows through the family matriarchs.   Saint Anne is patroness of unmarried women, housewives, women in labor or who want to be pregnant, grandmothers, mothers and educators. She is also a patroness of horseback riders, cabinet-makers miners and sailors. 

This medal is recast from a vintage original from the Basilica of St. Anne de Beaupre in Quebec.  The following is the story of the beginning of the miracles there courtesy of the Basilica.  

Everything began in 1658 when Louis Guimont, suffering from excruciating back pain, came to help with the construction of the first chapel and was miraculously healed as a result. This would be the first of an endless series of healings. As early as 1665, an Ursuline nun, Blessed Marie de l'Incarnation, wrote the following words to her son:

"Seven leagues from here, there is a village called "The Little Cape", where there is a church dedicated to Saint Anne in which Our Lord is working great marvels in favour of the holy mother of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. There, the paralytics walk, the blind can see, and the sick are healed of every kind of illness." - Marie de l'incarnation, 1665

The pilgrimage history of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré is one that is marked by extraordinary events, which continue even to this day.

The medal is cast in bronze and plated in 22KT Matte Gold Silver as is the chain.  Length is 16" and link size is 4mm.