My father died 21 years ago today. I've always found it comforting to know that he went to heaven on the Feast of Saint Joseph, the Patron Saint of Fathers. Like Saint Joseph, my dad as a good man. He was kind, solid and always available for his children. During the last six months of his life he began to receive "visitors" from the other side. Daily, old friends and family members who had already passed on to Spirit, came to share their wisdom and take him for previews of Heaven. My Dad didn't have dementia, his experiences were vivid and real.
One day, about a month before he died, Dad's visitors told him when he got to Heaven "he'd be helping people all day long". This insight gave my father great comfort as he excitedly waited for his time to go. When he passed in his sleep on the 19th of March, we had great solace knowing he left us on the Feast of Saint Joseph, the Patron Saint of Fathers who he modeled so well throughout his life. In our Celtic tradition, the Saint's Day you die on is as significant as the Saint's Day you are born on. There are no coincidences.
So with my Dad and Saint Joseph in mind today, I'm introducing this rare medal below commemorating Saint Joseph and Our Lady of Guadalupe. It's recast from an 18th Century original found in a Monk's Collection. It's a larger medal, but not too big. For now it's available on our bead chain and etched cable necklaces and bracelets. Soon I will be making some Black Obsidian rosaries with it in honor of my
Dad, Saint Joseph and Our Lady of Guadalupe...what a trio!