January 01, 2015
After three amazing years serving our clients in the community of Provincetown, MA, we are excited to announce Whispering Cowgirl Artisan Boutique will be moving back home to Wellfleet, MA where we started in 2010!
We love Provincetown and have garnered a great deal of success and recognition as one of the finest women's clothing and accessories boutiques in the region while there - thanks to you our loyal customers! However, as our business continues to expand, this location change is the next step to support our rapidly growing following both in-store and online. Our new location at 6 Main Street brings us closer to our clients in the Mid-Cape and Upper Cape while being centrally and conveniently located for those of us living on the Lower Cape.
Our new home places us at the portal to Wellfleet's boutique and gallery district. If you are headed to Provincetown, you no longer need to make the additional leg of the long trek there to shop our wonderful artists and designers because you pass by our front door on the way! As the first stop on the way to Wellfleet Center, we are excited to have the honor of welcoming all visitors into our quaint little village.
Lastly, this cowgirl is happy to announce she picks up 30 - 40 hours per month just in commute time - that equates to 10 or more 3-4 hour horseback rides! Yahoo....need I say more!?! xoxox