May is a time when many of us who love Joan of Arc begin to contemplate her life and her works. It was during May that Joan endured her trial that eventually led to her execution on May 30, 1331.
Today I am starting a 9 Day Novena to Saint Joan of Arc. A novena (a prayer said to Joan for the next 9 days), if started today will end on May 30, 2024, her Feast Day and the day of her execution. If you would like to join me in this 9 Day Novena to Joan of Arc, you can find the novena prayer below. If you join, send me a message if you like and if there's interest we can gather together after the Novena ends to share our experience via Zoom.
P.S. Don't worry, you don't have to be Catholic to connect with Joan or to invite her into your life. xoxo
St. Joan of Arc, Filled with compassion, For those who invoke you, Filled with love for those who suffer, Heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I kneel at your feet and humbly beg you, To take my present need, Under your special protection. (Mention your request here).
Grant to recommend it, To the Blessed Virgin Mary, And lay it before the throne of Jesus. Cease not to intercede for me, Until my request is granted.
Above all, obtain for me, The grace to one day, Meet God face to face, And with you and Mary, And all the angels and saints, Praise Him through all eternity.
O most powerful Saint Joan, Do not let me lose my soul, But obtain for me the grace Of winning my way to heaven, Forever and ever. Amen.